As in the last conference I've been to, I decided to sum up my experiences by giving the virtual "Nextys" Awards (which don't really mean anything...) to the following companies and trends:
Missing and yet present: Apple
Hottest trend #1: Touch UI
As said all vendors have been quite busy with designing new and sleek touch UIs, which were not all the time as sleek as expected. For example, Samsung showcased their TouchWiz UI, which features several neat concepts but when I tried it on the device pictured here, it was a bit sluggish. On the left side of the device you have a strip of widgets which appears after a tap on the screen. You can scroll the widgets using your finger, and to open one, you just drag it and drop on the main section of the screen. Widgets is also a hot trend now for some time, and this word was used (and misused) quite a lot both by handset vendors and application providers.
Hottest trend #2: App Stores
App stores are big. Everyone, and especially the handset vendors, hope this is what will help them balance things a bit when it comes to operators and their walled gardens. All vendors have relaunched their appstores initiatives due to the success of Apple. They all offer the same thing, but one thing did catch my eye, and that's SonyEricsson's PlayNow Download Station. This is basically a physical appstore - you plug your handset and stick in a moneycard, and then choose the content you want using the screen. The prime target is developing markets in which prepaid is king, and this was launched in seeral southeast Asian countries. However, come to think about it, it does have some upside which is no operator in the way and no internet plan needed... I recall that some experts foresaw great future to "sideloading" (i.e. downloading a game/app on your computer and then sending it via bluetooth to a handset), this might be one enabler for that.
Best Blast from the Past: Palm Pre
Most uninvited guest: Mr. World Recession
A free space in the middle of MWC? This was an odd site in previous years, when booths were so dense you can barely squeeze in your way... But this year, some exhibition halls were quite spacious and some spaces as the one shown here were left empty - however the exhibition was still huge, I actually expected much worse decline of presenting companies, but it was around 15%-20%. Also, the number of visitors decreased by around the same magnitude, on Monday I thought the industry is really going down, but then Tuesday was quite packed and looked like the good old days, and Thursday as always, but a bit more so, I felt like walking in a ghost town. Some areas were more affected than others, mobile content for example was barely seen in the exhibition, while in previous years it had a great presence.
Another clear sign of the recession was the almost complete lack of advertising around Barcelona. In previous years all the buildings across the exhibition as well as metro stations and central locations were covered with ads from the big players. This year, for the first time you could actually see some of the buildings around the congress.... Another thing was the hotels and flights which were not fully booked as in previous years, which made things easier for participants, so at least we get some upside... However, even with less attendees, MWC remains the only place on earth where the line in the men's WC is (much) longer than the women's...
(Second) Best Booth Babes: i-mate
Everybody knows that in MWC booth babes equals CBOSS... This Russian integration company always "invests" in top babes that may or may not be above 18... (Check out the girls dance in 3GSM 2007).So the only competition is on the second place, which goes this year to i-mate, with the Lara Kroft-like babes that had water guns to demonstrate their new water proof and shock proof device. Overall I must say that this year the number of booth babes grew, catching up with other shows finally... So at least the recession didn't affect that...
Creepiest Booth Babes: Access
Best Awards Event: Mobile Peer Awards
As the founder of Mobile Monday Tel Aviv, I might be biased a bit (correction: I am very biased..), but I do think that the Mobile Peer Awards which was held this year in a magnificent venue, is *the* event to be in. The event which is organized by MoMo Barcelona in collaboration with the MoMo community is a contest in which each MobileMonday chapter sends a startup to compete against the others. The startups get only 3 minutes to pitch and convince the jury, the MobileMonday chpaters and the audience that they deserve to win. What made the event even better for me is that MoMoTLV's nominee for the contest, fring, took the MobileMonday community award.
Best in-exhibition party: Yahoo!
Best off-exhibition party: Swedish Beers
There wasn't a single night in which I returned to the hotel before midnight... Right after the conference everyone is going to the famous MWC parties. There are a lot of events in parallel so naturally I couldn't attend them all, but from the ones I attended, the most "happening" one was Swedish Beers organized by Helen Keegan which did a great job in creating a fun atmosphere which hundreds of people enjoyed (Then again I'll say good things on anyone who give me free alcohol....)
Best Developer Event: WIP JAM
Best (And only?) Mobile Content: Mobile Solid
Coolest Appliance: Parrot by Starck
Best Booth Design: SpinVox
That's all for now, hope you enjoyed it. I should emphasize that these are really just a small glimpse of the exhibition and even I did not get to see everything, if you want to have the whole experience, make sure to book your hotel and flights early on towards MWC 2010...