Thursday, February 8, 2007

GamearraY on TV...

For the Hebrew speakers among my readers, here's a special treat: A video of an interview of yours truly about GamearraY. It was aired yesterday in the "Science News" show in the Israeli science channel (Also known as Channel 8). This is a niche channel that resembles the Discovery channel in its format. The show is hosted by Tal Berman that hosted some of Israel's funniest shows including "Parpar Layla" and "Haretzua".

If you don't speak Hebrew (You don't have to explain, I'm sure you have your reasons...), I plan to upload a version with subtitles soon, but only after I will have a decent recording; this video is in a rather poor quality since I actually filmed my home TV with my K800i mobile phone... (Luckily I was on my own so no one stood in front of the camera... ;).

P.S. - On an unrelated issue, I am going to the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona next week, so prepare for some live updates from there.

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