Wednesday, January 10, 2007

iPost on iPhone...

Well, this is how the homepage looks like now... Just another sign to show you how much hope apple is putting in this hybrid device... That is if you didn't figure it out yet from Steve Jobs's kickoff keynote at the Macworld Conference & Expo 2007 in San Francisco.

Actually watching this keynote made me laugh; judging by the screams of the mac-enthusiastics audience I thought for a second that maybe Madonna stepped onto the stage and is about to perform one of her songs, but no - it was just Steve Jobs, announcing a new gadget...

All the excitement aside, we all know that in fact Apple is actually a follower here, as both Microsoft and mobile device vendors such as Nokia already have devices that are a combination of a phone, an MP3 Player and an internet device as the iPhone claims to be.

However, apple succeeded in renovating the MP3 players market and turn it into a mainstream device, leaving first movers such as Creative way behind. Add to that the fact that Microsoft's smartphones are far from being mainstream and Apple's natural talent for user interface and I think we can safely assume that the door is open for Apple to make the next revolution, provided they deliver everything they promise.

I have written a lot in this blog about the size of the device being a barrier from making it to the mainstream market. This challange is true for the iPhone too: On one hand, you want the screen to be as big as possible to allow convenient internet browsing (not to mention video watching). But on the other hand, if the device is too big, people who are "in it" for the phone, and just enjoy the extra features would simply not carry it.

Anyway, these are just my initial thoughts, to get a real perspective on whether it answers the many challanges ahead I would simply have to try it myself. So, Steve - If you send me one, I promise to give it a go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget the most important question of all: MERITZ JAVA?
